More About Us (or what floats our boat and makes us tick!)
Writing here as the founder of Alchemise Innovation, my background was science and technology based. However, in recent times I felt it was time for a change. I didn't want to be part of a larger company and get swallowed up in politics I felt were wrong. Also, I realised that now was probably my last opportunity to at least try my own business. Having spent the last 5 years looking at spin out opportunities, and with a desire to keep myself relevant in the science and technology sector, I looked for options. It made sense to me to look at AI (artificial intelligence) from an end user perspective. This lead to image design amongst other possibilities. In fact, originally my vision was that AI would do everything.... if only!
To take this forwards, I set up what is now called Alchemise Innovation. The challenge is to fuse together ideas, ways of working, capabilities to give the final outputs. Our key output is images, and we work with a well known print-on-demand (POD) company to make them available on tee shirts and other wearable / usable options. These designs can be found across our main website and our store. I would say the big challenge is what I call "plate-spinning", which is as much down to our ambition and enthusiasm. I hope this comes across in our posts and designs/
Our main ethos we would like to build is one which generates interaction, ideas and outputs, which fuse together. We want the output to be that design for you which is better than you even imagined. The key to this is we believe is a "hybrid" way of working together, where the communication is key. Personally, I would like to see it bring back the values which have faded and that AI could well banish. I sort of call us an online entity, but with that humanity / "family" element intact.
You may well ask about our Niche. I thought long and hard about this. My current answer is that
Our ethos, which is travelling perhaps a different way to others. This embraces the hybrid part of our model.
Fusion, which is really how we try think out of the box for the designs. This isn't straight forward using AI, as it has a "mind of its own !". However, we know how to tame it and work with it. So we use fusion to create something new. This does trend towards science fact and fiction, fantasy and maybe geekiness. Rather than label it, I think of it as a multiverse of infinite possibilities which we travel through.
The one thing I would ask of you is to help us grow.
Tell us what you like and don't like.
Tell us what works and could work better.
Tell us what we are missing.
Tell us how we encourage you to keep visiting our store.
Finally, be honest with us, what puts you off making that purchase.
We want to be the business you want and need, so be part of that journey.
Let us Fuse the Future, Creating the Now
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