Photography - International Day of, AI, the future

 Why me?

Ok, I am not a photographer, I dabble with AI - in 6 months I have learned about using it, a bit about how its developed. However, a career related to messing about with technology in many different guises gives me a broad brushstroke overview.

My personal opinion...

I think, as with everything else, that if AI can be introduced correctly, it can do great work and help. In a universe where my opinion doesn't matter, and i know nothing, I will give it anyway. I think the obvious is processing,which will be real time, so your photo is manipulated within the rules you apply. This might mean auto removal of unwanted objects. Blur correction. Direct 3D imaging which can then be used in VR/AR which people will be able to step into and interact with in a way like the holosuites in star trek.

I think when photos are taken, for things like sports, multi-shots will be taken and then these analysed as a whole to produce the best image. Also they might be used again as part of a  3D process to build up patterns. Maybe AI can be clever and reduce the amount of data, otherwise you can well suspect that data requirements could be huge.

Possibly if it is really clever maybe you can define the shots you hope to get initially by AI. The AI can work with the camera and control system and scan and get the shot. I guess using a mix of the technology bloggers use coupled with that used to watch matches. Maybe the players have the training sensors and it all links together.

In a Orwellian future I can see there will be a stage where we all have some form of imaging and sensing system. Again, data is king. The more you have, the more you can use it and the easier future prediction happens. Basically, the AI will begin to have life experience, but learning at a truly rapid rate. Maybe if this is extended then everything will be recorded. This is extreme and is something i expect is beyond us to even contemplate understanding. But .... aim for it.

It is interesting when you think about everything with google and it being accused of having a monopoly. Too much power or the power to make it happen. It is hard to say. Probably will not be in my life time i suspect. In fact I believe the end is certainly a lot nearer than the start, and then I can have peace.

Let's go back to photography. Things will change as they always do. Photographers will have to learn to move with the times. Be at the front of things, control the change, get in with the techs. That is what I would do. Also, there are photographers and photographers. Am sure a wi-fi button presser could take better pictures than I can. However, there are photographers out here that have the eye for it. This will be hard for AI to learn, as how do you learn something that is in someone's DNA and is not teachable. So the photographer with that eye, that ability is KING!!!

Final thing to show

The images below took 5 minutes. One day video will be possible real time. You can tell they are AI, but with more play, they could well improve. Come back later where I interrogate AI for it's thoughts
on this. Am sure this will make an interesting read.


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